Police Leadership a Systematic Review of the Literature
Texas Chiefs of Police Panel Projection
The Texas Chiefs of Police Panel Project (TCPPP) collects information from most every Texas Chief of Police force. The survey data collection project is on-going and will generate information about police leaders in Texas beyond several years. The information is rich and unique; information will provide an understanding of changes over time about a multifariousness of unlike topics. We are aware of no other data collection project that volition yield similar insights into police force leadership. Loftier quality enquiry on police leadership continues to be absent from the academic literature and the TCPPP will help fill this void. The survey instruments are flexible and will be modified in order to collect information almost emerging topics relevant to constabulary professionals and constabulary scholars. Data collection for the TCPPP launched on October eleven, 2011 in club to coincide with the start of the 2 yr wheel of the TPCLS (Texas Police Chiefs Leadership Series) at LEMIT. The support of Texas Chiefs of Police has been tremendous and their participation is making this project a success.
The TCPPP has three goals:
- Create an ongoing, panel design, information collection effort to assemble information from police executives attending LEMIT training. We will explore pressing problems facing police chiefs and solutions chiefs have employed. We will acquire about the career trajectories of police chiefs.
- The data can be used to change and improve LEMIT grooming past ameliorate addressing the problems and solutions chiefs bargain with. We will also be better positioned to help in the career development of law chiefs.
- The information tin can too exist used for faculty, staff, and graduate student projects, paper presentations, and publications.
Research Staff
William Male monarch, Ph.D.
Professor and Associate Dean of Research and Program Development
Section of Criminal Justice and Criminology
Sam Houston State University
Alicia Fifty. Jurek
Doctoral Pupil and LEMIT Research Assistant
Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology
Sam Houston State University
Matthew C. Matusiak, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Section of Criminal Justice
University of Central Florida
Bradley A. Campbell, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of Criminal Justice
Academy of Louisville
Wave I
- October 2011 – July 2013
- 926 Chiefs of law participated (93.sixteen% response rate)
Moving ridge 2
- September 2013 – July 2015
- 613 Chiefs of police participated (59.69% response rate)
Moving ridge III
- Oct 2015 – July 2017
- 786 Chiefs of police participated (75.29% response rate)
Moving ridge 4 (ongoing)
- September 2017 – July 2019
Total Participants (as of September 2017)
- 2,320 surveys have been completed over the form of the three waves
- 1,117 unique agencies have been represented
- Agency types:
- Local/municipal (~71.7%)
- Independent school district (~14.eight%)
- Special jurisdiction (~thirteen.2%)
- Jurisdictions:
- 32.0% Urban
- 27.half dozen% Suburban
- xl.4% Rural
Wave II Survey Executive Summary
How Chiefs Spend Their Time
Best Practices in Addressing Job Satisfaction, Exhaustion, and Turnover Among Police force Chiefs
Peer-reviewed manufactures
Brady, P.Q., & Male monarch, W. R. (Forthcoming). Contumely satisfaction: Identifying the personal and work-related correlates of job satisfaction among police chiefs. Police force Quarterly.
Brinser, K. L., & King, Due west. R. (2016). Organizational permeability to environmental weather condition: Local police agency assessments of threats posed past disasters, accidents, and terrorism. Police force Quarterly, 19, 387-409.
Jurek, A. J., Matusiak, M. C., & King, Due west. R. (Under review). Distal crises as local stimuli in law agencies: A pre- post analysis of changes in the impactfulness [power and influence] of institutional sectors.
Matusiak, Yard. C. (2016). Dimensionality of local police chiefs' institutional sovereigns. Policing and Society: An International Journal of Inquiry and Policy, 26, 753–770.
Matusiak, M. C. & Jurek, A. J. (2017). Does bureau blazon matter? A comparison of chiefs' perceptions of the institutional environment across three agency types. Policing and Society, 1-xvi.
Matusiak, G. C., King, W. R., & Maguire, East. R. (2016). How perceptions of the institutional environment shape organizational priorities: Findings from a survey of police chiefs. Journal of Criminal offence and Justice, 40.
Dissertations & Theses
Brady, P.Q. (2017). Chief concerns: Identifying the personal and work-related factors associated with job satisfaction, burnout, and turnover intentions among police chiefs. (Doctoral dissertation). Sam Houston State University.
Evans, C. (2014). Homeland security preparedness in Texas municipal police agencies: An empirical analysis. (Chief'south thesis). Sam Houston State University.
Falgout, R.L. (2016). Police chiefs' tolerance of officer misconduct: An empirical inquiry. (Undergraduate Laurels's thesis). Sam Houston Land University.
Matusiak, Thousand.C. (2013). The Dimensionality and Result of Institutional Surround upon Police Leaders. (Doctoral dissertation). Sam Houston State University.
White, K.L. (2017). Police chiefs' tasks, time, and contingency theory: An empirical examination. (Principal's thesis). Sam Houston State Academy.
Jurek, A. J., & King, Due west. R. (2016). The Texas Chiefs of Police Panel Project: Enquiry summary. Police Enforcement Management Institute of Texas. Sam Houston State University.
Jurek, A. J., Matusiak, Thou. C. & King, W. R. (2017). Local police force bureau response to distal crises. Law Enforcement Management Establish of Texas. Sam Houston Country University.
Rex, W. R., & Campbell, B. A. (2013). The Texas Chiefs of Law Wave I study. Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas. Sam Houston Land Academy.
King, West. R., & Matusiak, M. C. (2012). Texas police chiefs: Preliminary findings from attendees of the Texas Police Chiefs Leadership series. Law Enforcement Direction Institute of Texas. Sam Houston State University.
King, W. R., Matusiak, Yard. C., & Campbell, B. A. (2013). Texas Police Chiefs: Findings from attendees of the Texas Police Chiefs Leadership Series, 2011-2013. Law Enforcement Management Establish of Texas. Sam Houston State Academy.
Li, Y. (2017). Executive summary: Constabulary chief turnover in Texas. Police force Enforcement Direction Institute of Texas. Sam Houston State University.
Matusiak, Thousand. C. (2015). Executive Summary: The dimensionality of constabulary agency constituents. Police force Enforcement Management Institute of Texas. Sam Houston State University.
Brady, P.Q., & King, W.R., (2016, September). Chief Concerns: Identifying Correlates of Job Satisfaction Among Texas Police force Enforcement Executives. Presented at the Midwest Criminal Justice Clan, Chicago.
Brady, P.Q., & King, W.R., (2016, November). Stress and Burnout Among Police Enforcement Executives: A Study. Paper presented at the almanac meeting of the American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, LA.
Brinser, M., & Male monarch, West. R., (2015, March). Organizational permeability to environmental weather condition: Local police bureau assessments of disasters and terrorism. Presented at the almanac coming together of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL.
Jurek, A. L., Matusiak, M. C., & King, W. R. (2017, March). Local police agency response to distal crises in policing. Paper accustomed for presentation at the coming together of the University of Criminal Justice Sciences, Kansas Urban center, MI.
Rex, Westward. R., Matusiak, K. C., & Chism, K. (2012, May). Texas Police force Chiefs: Preliminary Findings from attendees of the Texas Police Chiefs Leadership Serial. Presented at LEMIT, Huntsville, TX.
Li, Y. (2017, March). Constabulary master turnover in Texas: Do institutional environments matter? Presented at the coming together of the University of Criminal Justice Sciences, Kansas Metropolis, MO.
Li, Y., & Wells, W. (2015, November). Correlates of police force principal turnover in Texas. Presented at the meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC.
Matusiak, M. C., & Chism, Thousand. (2012, May). Police and Business/Administration Leadership: A Systematic Review and Comparison of the Literature. Presented at LEMIT, Huntsville, TX.
Matusiak, M. C., & Jurek, A. Fifty. (2016, November). Does bureau type thing? A comparison of chiefs' perceptions of the institutional surroundings beyond 3 agency types. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, LA.
Matusiak, M. C., & King, West. R. (2013, November). The Dimensionality and Effect of Institutional Environment upon Police Leaders. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA.
Shadwick, J. T. (2017, September). An exploration of police primary's perceptions of internal and external procedural justice. Presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Clan, Chicago, IL.
Wells, W., Schafer, J., & King, W.R. (2016, Nov). Police Chiefs' Assessments of Leadership. Paper presented at the annual coming together of the American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, LA.
White, K. L. (2016, September). A time task analysis of local chiefs of police. Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, IL.
White, K. L., and Male monarch, Due west.R. (2016, Nov). Police chiefs' tasks, time, and contingency theory: An empirical examination. Presented at the almanac meeting of the American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, LA.
Source: http://www.lemitonline.org/research/projects-tcppp.html
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