How to Draw Domestic Animals Step by Step

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Pie charts, also called circle charts, are composed of a circle divided into different wedges or sections. You can draw a pie chart using programs like Adobe Illustrator or Microsoft Excel. However, it is also easy to hand draw a pie chart if you have a compass, protractor, and markers or colored pencils.

  1. 1

    Gather your data. Pie charts are used to compare the relative size of different data categories.[1] Pie charts are best used with nominal or ordinal data, in which 6 or fewer categories are represented. If you have more than 6 categories, certain sections of a pie chart may be too small to effectively read and interpret.

    • Nominal data is data that has no specific order or scale, but is categorized only by a name or category type.[2] Examples of nominal data include favorite dessert or college major.
    • Ordinal data is data that is based on position or scale.[3] Examples of ordinal data include level of satisfaction or education level.
  2. 2

    Calculate the total value of the data. This is the total number of data points that you have. If you conducted a one-question survey, the total number of data points would be the total number of responses you received.

    • For example, if you surveyed 100 American millennials on who their favorite Beatle is, you will have 100 data points.
  3. 3

    Calculate the ratio of each category. To find a ratio, place the number of responses a particular category received over the number of data points. Turn this into a percentage by dividing the numerator by the denominator.[4]

  1. 1

    Use a compass to draw a circle. Attach a sharpened pencil and hold the point firmly while you swing the compass to create a circle. It doesn't matter how large the circle is, but the larger the circle, the easier it will be to create and read your pie chart.

  2. 2

    Multiply each category percentage by 360. Use the decimal form of the percentage in your calculation. This will give you the size of each category's section in degrees. Each section needs to be represented as a proportion of 360, since there are 360 degrees in a circle.[5] You might need to round decimals up or down. Make sure your total number of degrees adds up to 360.

  3. 3

    Draw the first category section. Place the protractor's origin hole in the center of the circle. Create the first angle by drawing two points, one at the 0 degree line, and one at the line showing the number of degrees of your angle. Remove the protractor, and use its straight edge to draw the borders of the section. Each line segment should begin at the circle's center point, end at the edge of the circle, and pass through either point you drew with the protractor.

    • For example, the John category should be a section that is 97 degrees. So you would draw a point outside the protractor at the 0 degree line, and another point at the 97 degree line. Then you would finish drawing the section by drawing lines through these points.
    • Take care when using a protractor to read it correctly. Most protractors have two sets of numbers. Think about the size of the angle you are making to ensure you are looking at the correct numbers.
  4. 4

    Draw the other categories. For each new category, place the protractor's 0 degree line over the edge of the previous section. Draw the sections using their degree measurements, just as you did the first section.

  1. 1

    Color each section. By making each section of the pie chart a different color, it makes it easier for readers to interpret its information. The colors you use don't matter, but if they are too dark or vibrant, reading your chart may be difficult.

  2. 2

    Label each section category. Your chart should be properly labeled so that anyone looking at it can interpret what its sections mean. Usually the category if each section is written directly on the chart. If a particular section is too small to write clearly inside of it, draw a line connecting the section to an area outside of the chart, and write the category title there.

    • Another option is to make a key. Instead of labeling directly on your pie chart, you can make a small box below it, denoting which color indicates which category.
  3. 3

    Denote each section's percentage. Even though the pie chart's section indicate their relative size, it is helpful to give readers the exact size by labeling each category's percentage. Write the percentage above or below the category title so that it is clear which percentage applies to which section of the pie chart.

  4. 4

    Title your chart. Every chart should have a title that tells the reader what information it is displaying. Your title should be descriptive, but not too long.

    • For example, you might name your chart "Favorite Beatle Among American Millennials."

Add New Question

  • Question

    How do I make a pie chart if the digits are in decimal?


    To make a pie chart displaying numbers that are given in decimal form, add all the numbers together, and then divide each individual number by that sum. That will give you more decimal numbers. Multiply each by 100 to arrive at percentages for each number. Multiply each percentage by 360° to get the central angle for each segment of the pie.

  • Question

    How do I convert the percentage into a decimal while multiplying?

    Jake Vandenberg

    Jake Vandenberg

    Community Answer

    In order to convert a percentage to a decimal, simply divide the percentage by 100. For example, 25 percent becomes 0.25 after dividing by 100.

  • Question

    How do I find the percentages?


    The above article assumes you have been given the percentages, rather than having to find them. If instead you have been given the angles at the center of the pie, you can find the percentages involved by dividing each angle by 360° and then multiplying the resulting decimal number by 100 (and tacking on a % sign).

  • Question

    I've rounded all decimals where necessary, but when I add up all the sectors it totals 361. What do I do?


    Don't round off the decimals. Apparently in this case the rounding is causing a discrepancy.

  • Question

    How do I draw a pie chart to show comparison between the sales of two manufacturers, OPFA and DPFA?


    Add together the sales figures of the two companies. Divide the sum by either of the two sales figures. That will give you a decimal number between 0 and 1. convert that to a percentage or a portion of a circle. Use Part 2 above to draw the chart.

  • Question

    How can I put 19.3% into a degrees on a pie chart, showing steps?


    Use cross-multiplication to find out how many degrees represent 19.3% of a full, 360° pie chart. Set up this equation: (x / 19.3) = (360 / 100), where x is the number of degrees you're looking for. By cross-multiplying, 100x = (19.3)(360). So 100x = 6,948, and x = 69.48°.

  • Question

    Can I do this on graph sheets?


    Yes, but graph paper will not be of any particular help in this.

  • Question

    Do you need to round off your degrees after you do X 360?

    Community Answer

    Rounding isn't necessary and could introduce errors if you aren't careful about it. There's a practical limit to how precisely you can draw, and if you draw a 97.2 degree angle the same way you draw a 97.0 one that is fine. But you can't draw either of those exactly, so you may as well think of it as 97.2 since that's what it should be.

  • Question

    How do I calculate the missing percentage of a sector in a pie chart if the other percentages are given? For example, agriculture is 45%, commercial is 20%, manufacturing is unknown, and domestic is unknown.

    Community Answer

    Just add the two given numbers and subtract the answer from 100 i.e. 100 minus 65, which is equal to 35 %.

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  • Make sure to convert the percentage into a decimal when multiplying.

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Article Summary X

Drawing a pie chart from percentages is fairly simple once you understand how to convert percentages to angles of a circle. The whole pie represents 100 percent, or 360 degrees, which is the angle of a circle. This means that you'll need to convert each percent into an angle before you can add it to the pie chart. To do this, first, convert each percentage into a decimal by moving the decimal two spots to the right. Then, multiply that number by 360 to get its equivalent angle. For example, if you have a category that's 20 percent, that would become .20, which multiplied by 360 is 72 degrees. Use a protractor to draw each angle into your pie chart. To learn how to add the finishing touches to your pie chart, read on!

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How to Draw Domestic Animals Step by Step


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